Our System of Best Practices Establishes

“Safety Zones”


Our System of Best Practices establishes a number of “Safety Zones” in the Stand Up position (clinch) & Ground position should the struggle take you there. The SRT Course teaches an organized system that continually allows officers to flow from one "Safety Zone" to another seamlessly, until compliance has been met or the subject has been restrained successfully.

We Specifically Cover Strategy For Unarmed Situations:

  • How to Handcuff and Escort a Cooperative Subject
  • How to Handcuff and Escort an active Resistant Subject, that can occur during the arrest / detention phase, most notably while handcuffing
  • Learn the 4 Main Areas of Safety and Restraint Effectiveness during a potential assaultive situation:
  1. Learn Safety in Approach, Initial Control and Clinch, followed by
  2. Effective Leverage Takedowns (regardless of size differences)
  3. Complete Ground Control Hold System while maintaining the
    ability to access radio & use of weapons
  4. Preparation for 1 Person and 2 Person Cuffing
  • Contingency Strategies for Stand Up or Ground Escapes when needed (how to safely disengage from a subject and situation). We make sure each Officer confidently knows how to limit their personal safety risks and personal liability, through a better understanding of their occupational responsibilities, legal requirements and effective humane physical control in these difficult situations.

Read some of the Reviews


I have worked with Jason Andrew and Terry Riggs, they are both specialist in their fields and some of the best instructors in Canada for our specific needs. If you have a chance to work with them, I would highly recommend it.

Wendell G

1 reviews

2 days ago

I was searching for a course exactly like this one. It's very hard dealing with the public on a daily basis as you never know when things can escalate or quickly go in the wrong direction. After working with Terry Riggs and Jay Andrews I feel I finally have a logical systematic approach to aggressive situations. Best course for Security and Police in Ontario by far. I don't usually post but the word has to spread, this is exactly what we need and it's long overdue in our industry.


11 reviews

The SRT course is simply great! I've had the chance to work with Jay Andrew and Terry Riggs and they bring a world of experience along with their system design specifically for security and police services. If you're in our line of work, I highly recommend this course! I am a lot more at ease and confident on the job.

Alex Best

7 reviews

2 days ago

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